Finance made easy with a car finance pre-approval!
Whatever car loan you choose, it is a long-term relationship. So let's get it right from the start! Before you even make your final decision on what vehicle you want, get your car finance pre-approval through Finance Hero +!
Through our Finance Hero + business partners, we can search our wide panel of lenders to find you the right car loan and get your car finance pre-approval. This way you know your budget and repayments before you buy!
When you’re in the market for a car, it’s easy to accept the finance solution offered by your dealer or bank. But chances are you could save money by shopping around, and this is what we do!
There is no point negotiating hard for a good deal on your new car only to give away the savings to a bank because you don't have all the information.
We can explain the options and help you decide which vehicle finance option is best suited to your needs - no matter whether you’re buying through our partner, Car Hero +, a dealer or a private sale.
Buying a new car?
We partner with Car Hero + to provide you a premium car buying service!
Let us handle all aspects of purchasing your new car, including negotiating the best price and dealing with your trade-in! With Car Hero + and Finance Hero + you can save thousands off your new car and keep those savings through getting the right finance in place at the start!
Plus, for every successful application, Finance Hero + will donate to your choice of our Be a Hero charities! Putting the "+" into Finance Hero +!
Vehicle Finance
Negotiate your terms, know your budget and get approved for your car loan before you even choose your car with a car finance pre-approval! Buy with confidence knowing you already have the finance to purchase your car!
Plus if you are looking for a better deal on your existing car finance, we can arrange to re-finance for a loan that suits you better!
Self-Employed Vehicle and Equipment Finance
Being self-employed shouldn't stop you from getting the best deal possible on your finance. Let us help you!
Finance Hero + Business Partner Lenders

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